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Mad Poster
#101 Old 8th Jun 2019 at 3:29 PM
Looks great! The bubbly button effects the original AI had were getting rather dated by now.

Have you seen the Clean UI recolour for TS2?


Also, is it possible to replace the text font- wonder if TS4's fonts can be used.
Top Secret Researcher
#102 Old 8th Jun 2019 at 6:36 PM
I'm not a big fan of that UI even though I like the style, some design decisions make the UI feel unresponsive. I'm not sure about sims 3 font, it could probably use sims 4 one but I'll look into the font, font color and icon color after I finish with the UI images. It will take long because there's so many UI elements in sims 3, most of them actually duplicated for individual usage only even though they look the same. So it's a matter of collecting all of them and seeing which ones work and which ones don't, which ones are used for what.

From what I've currently experiencing almost all of ATLAS and ATLAS_HUD elements are used and that makes the UI editing easier since most of the UI parts tied to one distinct functional section of the UI can be found in the same atlas group, but some are still scattered across the different ATLAS files so there's still some searching to be done. Overall, the number of files to be changed is around 400 and I've changed just about 20. That's 5% of all the UI and that's just 80% of live mode. There's still CAS, Build, Buy, Options menu, loading screens, Popups, Messages, Different interaction windows (move lot, resort manager, phone). And all of those are individual despite them using the same elements.
Mad Poster
#103 Old 9th Jun 2019 at 1:13 PM
For me, the UI redesign I was working with became an issue when I started running into limitations. Changing certain elements would be either hard or impossible, and redoing even minor elements would take hours.

insert signature here
( Join my dumb Discord server if you're into the whole procrastination thing. But like, maybe tomorrow. )
Top Secret Researcher
#104 Old 9th Jun 2019 at 2:33 PM
Photoshop effects and use of just copying effects, whole layers and layer groups among lots of files makes this really easy. Hierarchically ordered layer groups enable you to apply hierarchically ordered effects/styles... It's similar to CSS in that regard. I know, a stretch comparing a html style sheet 'language' to a full blown photo editing program, but photoshop is great for making/editing UI graphic elements.

There's really a lot of benefit from being organized with your layers if you are using PS so I def recommend the program.

In other news (I don't know if I said this or not)... I plan on releasing every single PSD file I edited to public once I finish and release this. The files are extremely organized and this will allow everyone to edit the UI as they please :D
Trainee Moderator
staff: trainee moderator
#105 Old 9th Jun 2019 at 8:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mixa97sr
Update coming, live mode.

This is the most ambitious project I've taken upon myself. The easiest of the UI was the notification panel, followed by the pie menu and game menu which are all done, and after them it's the live mode which will be done soon... I don't know how long will this take, wasn't really easy, but now I have a general style for buttons and backgrounds so it might become faster. Here's some sneak peek into almost finished live mode:

That science icon, it should be centered. By the way I would like to try it if you release an alpha version?

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Looks great! The bubbly button effects the original AI had were getting rather dated by now.

Have you seen the Clean UI recolour for TS2?


Also, is it possible to replace the text font- wonder if TS4's fonts can be used.

Smarter UI was better, but I'm also OK with this.
Top Secret Researcher
#106 Old 9th Jun 2019 at 11:49 PM
Yeah the rolled wishes icons... uhhh... I still have not dabbled into positioning of the elements (if that's even possible). Moving every single wish icon in the graphics (images) would move it in the bottom panel so what that would be doing is just shifting the whole wishes panel, and that icon compared to the rest will still stay off center.

Once I finish the general UI graphics I plan on changing some of the minor layout errors and maybe even font/icon color. But for now I'm focusing on the actual graphics of the UI. And I will possibly release a test version when I reach a milestone (which will be when I finish the live mode UI completely).
Top Secret Researcher
#107 Old 14th Jun 2019 at 1:35 PM
UPDATE: I can finally edit LAYOUT files easily with notepad++, every color, every font, every placing, every scale, every nesting. Sims 3 UI is completely editable via these XML layout files and the graphic atlases.

And in other news, I expect sims 3 live mode UI to be completed by the end of this week.

Currently all the panels are finished, half of the queue backgrounds (some are missing or are in separate files), journals are done and some tooltips.

Things to complete are age up dialog, party picker, change home dialog and move out dialog as well as opportunity dialog and find a job dialog. Rest of the tooltips as well.
Test Subject
#108 Old 23rd Jun 2019 at 8:32 PM
Top Secret Researcher
#109 Old 27th Jun 2019 at 8:59 AM Last edited by mixa97sr : 27th Jun 2019 at 9:10 AM.
If anyone wants the current UI version, I posted it on my just revisited simblr, but I'll provide a simfileshare link here:


Or if anyone prefers just attachments, here's that thing as well
Attached files:
File Type: zip  FlatWhite.zip (24.21 MB, 153 downloads) - View custom content
Trainee Moderator
staff: trainee moderator
#110 Old 27th Jun 2019 at 7:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mixa97sr
If anyone wants the current UI version, I posted it on my just revisited simblr, but I'll provide a simfileshare link here:


Or if anyone prefers just attachments, here's that thing as well

Awesome! :lovestruc
TS4 logo in main menu should not be gray
Top Secret Researcher
#111 Old 28th Jun 2019 at 1:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mrcnlbyrk
TS4 logo in main menu should not be gray

I've got lot of feedback to actually indeed make it gray, as it popped out with colors and detracted from the rest of the colored sims 3 UI. Plus I planned to do it myself without the feedback anyway.
Forum Resident
#112 Old 19th Jul 2019 at 9:44 AM
Hey, any updates on this one?

Check my tumblr:
Top Secret Researcher
#113 Old 10th Aug 2019 at 11:24 AM
Not yet. Ill start the next phase of it in a month, which is fixing minor inconveniences with live mode and going over build and buy modes.

Final one will be CAS, which will probably be done next year.
Forum Resident
#114 Old 14th Aug 2019 at 1:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mixa97sr
Not yet. Ill start the next phase of it in a month, which is fixing minor inconveniences with live mode and going over build and buy modes.

Final one will be CAS, which will probably be done next year.

Okay , thanks for the update!

Check my tumblr:
Test Subject
#115 Old 5th Oct 2019 at 7:22 PM

I love your UI! I don’t see myself switching back, besides for nostalgic reasons. I hope you’ll end up fully finishing it ^^
Test Subject
#116 Old 17th Jan 2020 at 3:21 AM
Hello! I've been dying to try this recolor out (also tired of the blue) but no matter what I do, none of the install instructions seem to work. I am 83% positive this is likely due to user error

As it is though, downloading straight into my Mods/Packages/ folder (using MTS's resource cfg) and also moving the UI files into a uimod folder + adding the lines onto the resource cfg hasn't worked. Anyone else experience problems? This would be the only UI mod I'd have installed.
Trainee Moderator
staff: trainee moderator
#117 Old 22nd Aug 2020 at 3:56 PM
It's been a year since the release of that clean white UI project. I wonder if you canceled it, or if you are going to continue, @mixa97sr. Plus I don't know if mentioning works here.
#118 Old 25th Aug 2020 at 2:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mixa97sr
If anyone wants the current UI version, I posted it on my just revisited simblr, but I'll provide a simfileshare link here:


Or if anyone prefers just attachments, here's that thing as well

Thank you!!!

The UI looks amazing!
Top Secret Researcher
#119 Old 3rd Sep 2020 at 4:45 PM
There have been recent updates on progress on my tumblr page:
#120 Old 14th Oct 2020 at 2:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mixa97sr
There have been recent updates on progress on my tumblr page:


So, the update is on the build menu.

I like the details you made.

From what I noticed, it's not just recoloring the menu to white gray but also redesign.

I really like it. It makes the game looks much modern.
Test Subject
#121 Old 17th Jan 2021 at 1:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mixa97sr
There have been recent updates on progress on my tumblr page:

Wow this is very exciting, gonna check on that frequently !
Field Researcher
#122 Old 15th May 2021 at 7:05 AM

Sooooo after years of being curious about Sims 3 UIs, trying all options, being frustrated with the current options we already have as none of them really were fit for me, I decided to go the DIY route and make my own. I made it in under a week, so maybe TS3 UI making isn't as hard as I thought. Thanks to justmiha97 for giving me tips throughout the process and helping me out here.

It's a mainly dark mode design with green highlights, similar to my Starship UI. I call it "Bedrock UI." More details in this thread here: https://modthesims.info/m/showthread.php?p=5740532

Lab Assistant
#123 Old 7th May 2023 at 9:25 PM Last edited by C. Dark : 7th May 2023 at 9:42 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by dino_rex
Thanks for the testing and the feedback! Appreciate the screenshot and found the incriminating file

One of my main goals is to develop with a simple system for others to create their own UI's. I'm getting close. I've found (I think) all the needed layout images so the batch Photoshop actions work. And I'm almost done with a small excel app that will automate the LAYO file re-coloring (screenshot). When that's done I'll make a tutorial thread.

First thanks a lot for this grey Ui replacement. It is also very useful in a medieval setting

BUT, what about your tool? I find it very complicated and would love to have your little programm helper to recolour by myself or make some little changes to your grey one.

Note, the celebrity tab is not grey yet and the pink relics font colour in the opportunity tab does not look.

Where can I change it?
Could you make your Excel workbook available?

Regards/Gruß Claudy
You can also meet me at nraas https://www.nraas.net/community/active-topics
Lab Assistant
#124 Old 10th Sep 2023 at 5:55 AM Last edited by Mookymilk : 10th Sep 2023 at 6:59 AM.
I wanted to come back to this thread to hopefully help everyone out here. Since it's been so helpful for me, I will definitely share my process.

1) look up the color number of what you're going for. I'm using a nude base so I googled "nude brown color numbers". I settled for Cafe Latte I believe.
2) Open up the test PS file that Dine_Rex gave us in this thread.
3) Go to Window at the top of PS and click actions (ignore this step if you already have an actions window opened).
4) Click the + sign at the bottom of the actions window to create your new action.
5) Name the action the name of your mod or something you'll know what's it for.
6) Hit record.
7) Double-click the layer with the icons on it, ignore the test background image.
8) Once the window opens, click the "Color Overlay option"
9) Select Color in the drop down.
10) Click the color box beside it.
11) Put your color number in it.
12) Click ok, then ok again to get out of the window you opened.
13) Hit the square = stop button at the bottom of the actions window.
14) Click File > Automate > Batch at the top of the PS page.
15) At the top of the dialogue box select your new action you just created.
16) In the selection below set the source to Folder.
17) Click the choose button and choose your folder. As a base template I'm using Sweet Dreams UI. I put all the images in a folder, except for the loading screens.
18) Select
* Suppress File open options dialogs
* Suppress color profile warnings
19) In the next section choose Destination change "None" to "Folder". I placed it in my new UI overhaul folder for reference.
20) Hit Ok.

Now you will begin to see all of the images automatically convert into the color you chose in the new folder.

Note: Some of the images from Sweet Dreams UI were not able to have the action used on it, so far it's only been 5 out of 800 items. I'm currently recoloring all 4K images. So from the looks of it, there won't be much to do by hand, and it certainly won't be a week project.

Since this cuts down weeks-months of work I hope this inspires more simmers to create their own style of UI.
I currently working on a Black girl Magic aesthetic. Below are the images I'm using for the loading screens.

Note: Try to find high quality 4k images that are a bit wide in size, the resolution doesn't really matter and can be custom, as long as it's wide.

When applying the custom image to the loading screen in PS, use ctrl + T to resize the image. I've found that going over the image is better than being smaller than it, but make sure not to have even a smidge of the image touch any other icon on the png, or else you'll get some overlap like this:


Anyway, hoped that helped and Happy Simming!

Edit: I wanted to come back and share my process. 99% of all the images from Sweet dreams successfully color converted with this process.
To be more helpful I'm going to include a folder of the image that did not convert with the batch build.
However, you can simply double click the layer and apply the color overlay yourself, the last color you used is the last color that will be applied, in my case it's the brown color, you'll see an example of this in the zip. In total it's only 22 images. I'm color converted the images myself now.

Edit 2: Upon further investigation, the 22 images did not convert because it had a locked Background layer. If you'd like, with the fakes file you'll download here, you can unlock all the images in photoshop, one at a time, by simply clicking the lock button on the layer, then save the image. You can then place the images back in your next batch build so no complications occur. For now I am just going to color convert the images myself. But this is just for future reference if you don't want to undergo this same process manually.
Attached files:
File Type: 7z  fakes.7z (401.0 KB, 10 downloads)
Lab Assistant
#125 Old 17th Sep 2023 at 11:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Mookymilk
I wanted to come back to this thread to hopefully help everyone out here. Since it's been so helpful for me, I will definitely share my process.

Thanks, really great steps, but unfortunately I f.i. don't have PS, so I already did a test with GIMP using Batch Recolour, which really works great.
But only applying 1 colour to all. I am not ready with my testing yet. But as far as I noticed only the files with combined ui parts in it are needed not the single ones.
Exchanging loading screen pictures you can also do this with GIMP easily.

So if someone already has done this with GIMP, any other steps for batch converting single colours would be helpful

I don't know when I will finish my ui project so you need to wait

Regards/Gruß Claudy
You can also meet me at nraas https://www.nraas.net/community/active-topics
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